Smart Development in Urban Area: A Case Study


  • Suhail Ahmad Malik Civil Engineering Department, RIMT University, Punjab,
  • Anuj Sachar Civil Engineering Department, RIMT University, Punjab,


Urbanisation, Smart development, Livability, Sustainable development and ICT.


The urban population is expanding at a sensational rate prompting economic development on other hand it is making urban and ecological issues like natural debasement, traffic congestions, lacking framework administrations, unhygienic streetscapes and so on. Along these lines it requires the earnestness to take fitting activities. Smart development has been distinguished as a manageable overall answer for the current urban arranging issues, whose standards targets giving better expectations for everyday comforts; however the idea is dubious to characterize, as no all inclusive definition exists. Different ideas like Sustainability (Sustainable Development), Smart Growth, Livability, Smart City and so forth, are a portion of the models which are identified with the development. The standards of these ideas cover one another and that is the reason the idea can't be characterized with a solitary
general definition; in this way, the idea should be institutionalized so as to scale development around the world. India has experienced quick urbanization in the course of the most recent couple of decades and the seeing urban areas are generally of Class-I and II levels. A significant perspective influenced by the wonder of urbanization is the personal satisfaction. Indian urban communities rank nearly at the base of bearableness positioning (EIU-2015) as Delhi is on 110th and Mumbai on 115th at world level. It is apparent that Indian urban communities rank in all respects ineffectively in the overall situation. This incited a discussion whether India as a country needs increasingly bearable urban areas or smart urban communities. As examined by different experts, approach towards urban development, right off the bat, should be towards giving a reasonable and safe condition to the clients and furthermore, create
procedures advancing socio-economic development. In any case, as a guide, different instruments can be incorporated in the development approach, to make it proficient and powerful ones like the utilization of ICT in the physical and social framework arranging. As of late, India likewise presented the smart city mission, which is fairly on the comparative lines of smart development. The mission's point is to advance economic development of the distinguished urban areas with prime spotlight on the current debased personal satisfaction. Since, the development has been deciphered diversely among the countries due to non-institutionalization of the idea, it's imperative to see how the idea has been spoken to in Indian setting. The examination expected to dissect the origination of smart development and its centrality in the urban setting. Likewise, as India has received Smart City Mission on the comparable grounds, it is basic to examine whether it accomplishes sustainability in its approach and gives decent condition as it recommends. Further, the examination has been finished up with a city level investigation with region based development as a scale
to advance smart development techniques.




How to Cite

Malik, S. A., & Sachar, A. (2019). Smart Development in Urban Area: A Case Study. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(9), 14–28. Retrieved from