Conquer Waste Materials Troubles and Utilization in Construction Materials


  • PRASHANT KUMAR JAISWAL P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, VIAET, SHUATS, Prayagraj, UttarPradesh, India.
  • DR. VIKAS SRIVASTAVA Associate Professors Department of Civil Engineering,VIAET,SHUATS, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Waste plastic Bags, Ceramic waste, Demolition concrete waste, Pollution,


Presently, Human are being used plastics in the form of buckets, jugs, cups, plates, carry bags, toys etc. and after use It’s kept in abundance. These waste plastics can not be disposed off easilyand brought back to the recycled form, can be burnt or can be filled in a soil pit. Thin plastic bags which once used are dumped in the garbage which fly away and get buried in the soil or through drainage drains and run into drains or rivers. Chemical likes cadmium and lead are used in the manufacturing of plastic bags, which when ignited causes air pollution and water pollution when going into rivers or drains makes life of animals living in it difficult. When pressed inside, it is not decomposed by bacteria for many years and also pollutes the soil, which also pollutes ground water. As such plastic bags are spread in tablets in which water is field when it rains and mosquitoes lay eggs, so there is a possibility of spreading diseases like dengue. Thus the disposal of plastic bags is a major problem. Ceramic Products like cups, plates, wall tiles, floor tiles, sanitary ware after breakage are dumped into the garbage which can not be recycle, it is disposed of by land filling only. When the building made of concrete is not possible to be recycled from the concrete it gets, it is also used in land filling only for which it is necessary to have empty land available. In this paper innovative attempt has been devised to manufacture construction materials by using plastic bags found in garbage, ceramic waste and construction waste from demolition old concrete building. There by reducing the problem of pollution and the problem of disposal solid waste can be eliminated.




How to Cite

JAISWAL, P. K. ., & SRIVASTAVA, D. V. . (2019). Conquer Waste Materials Troubles and Utilization in Construction Materials. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(9), 35–41. Retrieved from