
  • Omer Iqbal Department of Studies in Computer Applications, Visvesvaraya Technological University Centre for PG Studies, Kalaburagi, India
  • Dr. Mohammed Abdul Waheed Department of Studies in Computer Applications, Visvesvaraya Technological University Centre for PG Studies, Kalaburagi, India
  • Deepa Department of Studies in Computer Applications, Visvesvaraya Technological University Centre for PG Studies, Kalaburagi, I
  • Sushmita Department of Studies in Computer Applications, Visvesvaraya Technological University Centre for PG Studies, Kalaburagi, India


In the world's rapidly developing world social networking sights plays important role, cyberbullying words using has become a serious problem for all ages, people and adults are to involved in it. Than the Machine comprehension and learning technology can automatically detect bullying information on social media, which will eliminate vulgar information used in social networking
environments. These area were the meaningfully researched, a key issued is the robust that differentiated numbers representation of textual message. The article, we introduced a new representational implementing another way to solve the problem. The way elaborated the danger persons edged growing denoised automatic (smda) coder developed the extension Semitic of deep learning which is popular which can automatic denoised the encoder. Semantic extensions include semantic loss that the errors in
communication to the system or the data loss occurs or the noise is designed to reduce the database loads and the chats works are Clarified that the system understand the system. The administration is main responsible for all the communication or the data transition which are made by the users. It has an powerful meaning and sense of sending of data that are recognized the
algorithms which They use the slang language words that can be blocked and are not permitted to the publically.




How to Cite

Iqbal, O., Waheed, D. M. A. ., Deepa, & Sushmita. (2018). CYBERBULLING INTRUSION DETECTION BASED ON SEMATICMARGINALIED AUTO ENCODE. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 854–857. Retrieved from