Analysis of variation in cropping pattern in the Region betwee Narmada & Kim River
In order to provide necessary watering according to available resources for agricultural requirement and for the optimizing the crop production the sustainable cropping pattern is playing significant roll. For optimizing the agricultural production from past data and comparing with available data irrigated land and decision-making evaluation for command area development, The high resolution satellite data can give spatial information about various crops grown and crop yield, will access existing adopted cropping pattern by farmers. This analysis includes identification of crop types, crop acreage, Using Index map and relevant satellite images for the region between Narmada and Kim River .The existing cropping pattern for the rabi season between two rivers area accessed over the period of time between the year of 1998 and 2014.The study reviles the significant changes in cropping pattern which includes reduction in Juvar and Sugarcane due to unlined canal irrigation system. The cash crop adopted by farmers and looking to water requirement of actual cropping pattern is excess which means the irrigation capacity need to be increased by various management strategies between the study area.