Turpentine oil, Turmeric oil, BSFC – Brake specific fuel consumption CO – Carbon monoxide, Diesel Engines, Engine Performance, Fuel injection pressure, NOX emissions, UHC- Unburned hydro carbons.Abstract
Fossil fuel sources in the world are falling at a high level due to the immense growth of the population and the use of technology. According to studies, there is a gap between supply and demand. It will gradually increase in the coming days. It is necessary to fill up the gap between demand and supply. Developing countries like India, invests heavily on imports of petroleum fuels. In such countries most of automotive and transport vehicles are run on diesel. Diesel vehicles discharges considerable amount of pollutants like UHC, CO, NOx, lead, soot, which are very harmful for society and environment. However, to overcome this menace, the bio-fuels are being used in IC engines as alternate fuels. To attain the complete combustion of the charge in the cylinder the fuel injection parameters play a large role. The major parameters are no. of fuel nozzle holes, fuel droplet size and fuel injection pressure. These parameters can influence the performance of engine as well as emission characteristics of an I.C. engine. In this present work, experimental
study was carried out using a blends of dual bio-fuels and diesel in a single cylinder, 4-stroke water cooled light duty injection CI engine at various injection pressures 180,200 and 240 bars. Here the tests were carried out for pure diesel and blends of 30% turpentine and turmeric oils by volume in diesel engine at constant speed with variable loads. The performance results at 180 to 200 bars of blend very closer to pure diesel results. The emissions UHC and CO are very less at 200 bars than pure diesel. The NOx emissions are lesser at 240 bars compare to pure diesel. The overall performance is good at 180 and 200 bars. But the emissions are decreased when increasing injections pressure.