Ishakthi Academic Tracker-Mobile
Ishakthi Academic Tracker-Mobile application can be applicable for the institution databases to view the academics data whenever required. The basic idea of the project is to allow the users to access the contents of a particular student about the details and also refer to the alerts and notifications posted by either the HOD or Principal. The user is the student. The operations include view of Progress Report, History records, Personal details, Attendance, Co-curricular, Extracurricular, Alerts, Notification can be accessible to the user. Alerts specify any sudden news or current status to the users. These alerts can only be posted by the HOD or the Principal or staff to the other users, Students,ts can view the alerts and act accordingly. They cannot post any alerts on the application. Users can do customize search of the details. Notification is the process of submitting a report to a particular student from either the staff or the HOD or the Principal.