Structural Control of Multistorey Building Frame Using Piezoelectric Devices
Piezoelectricity, active vibration control, MATLAB, Simulink, El Centro EarthquakeAbstract
A Simulink model of MDOF (5 storey building) is developed in MATLAB and El Centro Earthquake is applied to the structure. Displacement and velocity responses are generated. This response (displacement/velocity) is applied to piezoelectric sensors which generate voltage and this voltage is applied to piezoelectric actuators which generate controlled displacement/velocity. Finally, velocity or displacement is controlled in the structure.
Piezoelectric sensors and actuators are placed at different storeys like first storey, second storey or third storey etc. and controlled and uncontrolled responses are obtained at different storeys as well as other storeys at which no piezoelectric sensors and actuators are placed (e.g. if piezoelectric sensors and actuators are placed at first storey then corresponding responses are calculated at first storey as well as second, third storey etc.). The % reduction in response varies from 33-67 for displacement and 22-62 for velocity due to control.