Causes, Evaluation and remedies to cracks in civil structure – A brief study
Causes, Leakage, Repair materials, Repairing methods, Surrounding condition,Abstract
Cracks in the Civil structure is common problem. The usefulness of the structure depends upon the integrity of the structure. However good looking the structure may be, a crack renders the beauty as well as its durability. In this paper efforts are made to give brief introduction to causes for the cracks and its remedies. This report describes reasons for leakages, dampness, types of cracks and appropriate method for sealing it with proper precaution. There are many reasons for cracks; may be uneven settlement, improper use of material, faulty design, mechanical movement, etc. As per the type of crack and importance of the structure a method is selected for its repairing, however only selection of method merely does not guaranty the repair work. Utmost care and in depth study of the site situation is necessary for the successful work.