Analysis of RC building in different seismic zones by moment resisting frame using IS 1893:2002


  • Amelia A. Nhabetse Civil Department & Parul University
  • Nihil Sorathia Civil Department & Parul University


SMRF, etabs, seismic design, shear, Displacement


This paper includes analysis of a G+15 story RC building frame. The objective of this study is to investigate the seismic behaviour of reinforced cement concrete structure having SMRF (Special moment Resisting frame) in nature and compare the displacement, shear and bending behaviour of building located in seismic zones III and IV, for a Soil class I. For this purpose, the analysis was done using Etabs 2015 software and using the codes for analysis, IS 1893:2002, IS 456: 2000. The study assumed that the buildings were located in seismic zones III and IV, for a Soil class I.




How to Cite

Nhabetse, A. A. ., & Sorathia, N. . (2018). Analysis of RC building in different seismic zones by moment resisting frame using IS 1893:2002. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(5), 221–228. Retrieved from