Experimental Study on Sustainability on Concrete by Retarding ASR by using Suitable Alkali & Glass Powder


  • Sandeep TD Department of civil engineering, New horizon college of engineering
  • Meghana A Patankar Department of civil engineering, New horizon college of engineering


Glass powder, Alkali Silica Reaction, Compressive strength, Durability of concrete


Concrete is the most used building material in the world, as well as the largest user of natural resources with annual consumption of 12.6 billion tons. It fundamentally comprises of coarse and fine aggregates, cement and water, and in some cases also contains additional chemical or mineral admixtures for specific purposes. India uses about 7.3 million cubic meters of ready-mixed concrete each year. Durability aspect of the concrete can be improved by using glass powder along with suitable alkali like lime. The quantity of glass powder is varied in different proportions to arrive at the optimum percentage of glass powder required to produce a concrete of considerable strength based on its grade after 28 days of curing. M25 grade of concrete was considered for the experimental study
with specimens prepared along with glass powder and also with glass powder and lime. The control of cracks by using lime along with glass powder is the special focus of this experimental study. The study is to understand the variation of cracks in concrete by the help of controlling ASR with use of suitable alkali lime along with glass powder.




How to Cite

TD, S. ., & Patankar, M. A. . (2018). Experimental Study on Sustainability on Concrete by Retarding ASR by using Suitable Alkali & Glass Powder. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(5), 773–777. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/1539