Fingerprint Identification Using Binary Images By Ridge Thinning Method


  • Manesha K PG Student, Department of computer engineering Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology and research Deemed to be University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  • Hemantha Kumar Kalluri Professor, Department of computer engineering Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology and research Deemed to be University, Andhra Pradesh, India


Identification,Fingerprint, Ridges, Bifurcations, Thinning.


There are various methods for identification of a fingerprint out of which minutiae based is a challenging task of extracting the minutiae like ridges and bifurcations. So, for that purpose here we are using thinning based method for extracting the features of a binary image. Experimentswere conducted on Fvc2002 databases DB1_1, DB2_1, DB3_1, DB4_1. Experiments were conducted on each data set separately.




How to Cite

K, M. ., & Kalluri, H. K. . (2018). Fingerprint Identification Using Binary Images By Ridge Thinning Method. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(5), 1285–1291. Retrieved from