A Stabilization of Subgrade Using Geo-synthetic Material


  • Navjot Singh Rajput M.Tech. Scholar, Civil Engg. Deptt. RIMT University Punjab
  • Er.Brahamjeet Singh Professor, Civil Engg. Deptt. RIMT University Punjab
  • Dr.Sandeep Singla Professor, Civil Engg. Deptt. RIMT University Punjab


Stabilization, CBR Test, OMC, Geo-grid, Geo-synthetic


Soil stabilization is a process of treating soil to maintain or improve the performance of the soil as a construction material and most importantly to minimize the cost of earthworks. Numerous methods are available in literature for soil stabilization. Geo-synthetics are preferred in the pavement foundation layers just for the separation, lateral drainage, filtration and other purposes. The processes by which the geo-synthetics provide reinforcement when placed at the sub-base and sub-grade interface include the lateral confinement of sub-base material and there is an increase in the bearing capacity. The increase in the bearing capacity, permeability is very useful in reducing the settlement of the soil at the site. The increase in the urbanization has led to the scarcity of lands as a result roads and buildings are constructed over soils with low bearing capacity. The good flow of road depends on the property of subgrade. This
paper thus focuses on the effect of stabilizing locally available soil with various types of geo-synthetics. This paper explores to investigate about the stabilization of the subgrade by using the geo-synthetics like geo-textiles, geo-grids etc to evaluate the strength of the poor soil by conducting standard proctor compaction tests, OMC tests and CBR tests.




How to Cite

Rajput, N. S. ., Singh, E. ., & Singla, D. . (2019). A Stabilization of Subgrade Using Geo-synthetic Material. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(6), 206–210. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/1786