Influential Node Tracking for Secure Social Network
Social Media, Greedy approach algorithm, Malicious Attack.Abstract
Currently Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter are used for spreading the information and influence of particular point. We can get small set of influential people in a social network such that pointing them at initial level. It can be used for increasing the influence but the main problem is that to finding the root. We are going to overcome this problem using one Algorithm called as Greedy algorithm for mining top-K influential nodes. This algorithm is very useful for finding the owner of particular post.
We are facing one another serious problem while using Social Media sites is that there are so many malicious attacks spreading by the hacker and that malicious data are hidden behind some attractive posts. For example posts like what does your name meant or how much luckiest today or post which states the giving you laptops, iphone, smartphone in minimum prize or giving them free samples of the product etc. This type of posts in social network may be harmful to users which has the negative intention of stealing the personal information user. We are trying to solve this problem also using positive and negative reviews of that post. As per the ratio of positive and negative post we will display alert message for new user for malicious post or we can block such type of posts automatically.