Review Analysis and Monitoring of Energy Management System based on Internet of Things


  • Devendra Singh Parihar M. Tech Scholar, Center of Excellence - Renewable & Sustainable Energy Studies, SGVU Jaipur
  • Hari Kumar Singh Assistant Professor, Center of Excellence - Renewable & Sustainable Energy Studies, SGVU Jaipur


Energy Conservation, Sensors, Data analyst, Internet of things, Smart appliance monitoring, DHT 11


The vitality part is firmly interconnected with IOT based temperature-humidity-energy management system. IOT is effective tool for energy management in the field of measure temperature and humidity. This paper present development web of things based framework for wise vitality, temperature and humidity system. In this context Arduino system is used for data storage. It fetches data of humidity and temperature from DHT 11. The results from pilot application are presented and discussed. IOT and energy plays an important role in the industry, which can be used by billions of people on the Earth by 2040. The anticipated framework expands existing methodologies and coordinates learning, similar to the temperature and humidity (e.g., Energy the executives frameworks), vitality generation, costs, climate information and end-clients conduct, so as to deliver every day and week after week activity plans for the information clients with noteworthy customized data.




How to Cite

Parihar, D. S. ., & Singh, H. K. . (2019). Review Analysis and Monitoring of Energy Management System based on Internet of Things. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(6), 211–213. Retrieved from