Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies and Application Domains


  • Mantripatjit Kaur Department of CSE-IBM
  • Anjum Mohd Aslam Department of CSE


Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, RFID, WSN


We are entering in another period of registering innovation i.e. Internet of Things (IoT). IOT is a kind of "widespread worldwide neural system" in the cloud which interfaces different things. The IoT has insightfully associated gadgets and frameworks which involve numerous machines cooperating and speaking with different machines, conditions, items and foundations and the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensors organize innovations will ascend to address this new difficulty. Subsequently, a tremendous measure of information are being produced, put away, and that information is being prepared into helpful activities that can "order and control" the things to make our lives considerably less demanding and more secure—and to diminish our effect on the environment. Every organisation, for example, government and common establishments needs breakthrough data about individuals. Nonetheless, in a large portion of nations internet access to individuals on frameworks and their cell phones, with the goal that the exchanging of the data can be considerably less demanding and less exorbitant through the web




How to Cite

Kaur, M., & Mohd Aslam, A. (2021). Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies and Application Domains. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(6), 1474–1478. Retrieved from