Application of BIM in Construction Industry using 5D Methodology


  • Soham P. Kolte P. G. Student, Construction Management, Government College of Engineering, Karad
  • Basavaraj A. Konnur Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Government College of Engineering, Karad,


Building Information Modeling (BIM), 5D Model, Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Navisworks, Oracle Primavera, Virtual Simulation


The three main factors driving the construction industry in India are Time, Cost and Quality of work in any construction project. Building Information Modeling (BIM) comes with multiple dimensions to facilitate the construction process and monitor the above three factors in timely and collaborative manner. 5D BIM is another such advancement which right from the initial stage until the final stage and has the potential to monitor the time and cost aspect of construction work going on in the project. The traditional construction methodology has quite moderate effectiveness while huge waste is generated in the process, which have critically affected the construction industry in terms of environmental impact and sustainability. This too can be effectively manager by using Building Information Modeling. By using 5D BIM, the above-mentioned factors can be carefully managed and optimised in the planning and design phase itself, even before the actual construction process starts. The main aim for this paper is study the implementation of BIM on a commercial building (Storage Facility) and its design procedure. The 5D BIM model consist of the 3D aspects of the buildings while the 4th dimension is Time and 5th being Cost of the construction project. The 4D model is use for preparing the activity schedule and work break down structure for the construction project as well as to monitor the progress work on field and compare the same to planned work. This helps to prevent delays and avoid loss of time. The 5D model helps prepare the cost estimate for the planned construction work and budget the finances of the project as required, thus managing the financial aspect of the construction project.




How to Cite

Kolte, S. P. ., & Konnur, B. A. . (2019). Application of BIM in Construction Industry using 5D Methodology. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(6), 585–591. Retrieved from