
  • Shwetank.R. Saagar Post Graduate Students of Civil Engineering Department, SVVV-SVITS, Indore
  • Prof.Shivam Chaturvedi Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, SVVV-SVITS, Indore


Road Safety Audit, Crash Reduction Factor, Crash Modification Factor


Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a formal examination of proposed or existing roads and road related areas from the perspective of all road users with the intention of identifying road safety deficiencies and areas of risk that could lead to road crashes. Road Safety Audit (RSA) is formal and independent safety performance review of a road transportation projects by an experienced team of safety specialists, addressing the safety of all road users. Road Safety Audit helps in reducing the number and severity of crashes. It also helps reduce costs by identifying safety issues and correcting them before projects are built. This State Highway 27 originates from Jhalawar (Rajasthan) passes through Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) and ends at Malkapur Maharashtra and covers the length of 387 km approx.

The State Highway-27 was two –lane highway but with the requirement of time it was converted into Six-lane Highway. The section which comes under the research is Indore-Ujjain Highway from Luvkush Square to Shri Vaishnav Vidhyapeeth Vishwavidhyalaya Indore, Madhya Pradesh. This national highway is maintained and operated by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) and Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC). The identification of the critical section has been taken place on it. The study will be identifying the defects of the roads and will give the better idea about the defects .In this study the crashes reduction factor and crash modification factor will be found to know the actual condition of the section.




How to Cite

Saagar, S., & Chaturvedi, P. . (2019). ROAD SAFETY AUDIT OF STATE HIGHWAY- 27. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(5), 07–13. Retrieved from