IoT, Arduino UNO, Ultrasonic sensor, Smoke sensor, GSM, Atmega-328Abstract
India is turning into one big garbage dump. The garbage overflow creates an unsanitary environment which leads to spread of various diseases. To avoid such situations and maintain public cleanliness and health, IoT based garbage surveillance system is proposed. This paper proposes a garbage management system for garbage clearance and the presence of flammable substances by using sensor systems and a public web server. This process is done by interfacing the sensors with Arduino UNO and sends the message to the web server. The level of garbage is determined with the help of the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04. The presence of smoke in the bin is detected using the smoke detector MQ-2. The system collects the status of the garbage bins and transmits the status data to concerned authority through GSM. For this, an ATmega-328 microcontroller is used. The real-time status about the garbage bin is given to the municipality so that they can take necessary actions immediately.