
  • Veeresha G Dept. Of Mechanical Department, New horizon college of engineering & Visvesvaraya technological
  • Yogesh Kumar Dept. Of Mechanical Departmen, New horizon college of engineering ,&Visvesvaraya technological university
  • Tejas Dept. Of Mechanical Department, New horizon college of engineering &Visvesvaraya technological university,
  • Ranjan Sahoo Dept. Of Mechanical Department, New horizon college of engineering &Visvesvaraya technological
  • Murali Dept. Of Mechanical Department, New horizon college of engineering &Visvesvaraya technological university,


In this venture the proposition idea is to supplant the manual work in waste cleaning via computerized framework. Presently multi day's even through robotization assumes a crucial job in every single modern application in the best possible transfer of sewages from businesses and advertisements are as yet a difficult errand. Waste funnels are utilizing for the transfer and lamentably now and again there might be loss of human life while cleaning the blockages in the seepage channels. To conquer this issue and to spare the human life we actualize plan "programmed sewage cleaning framework". We planned our venture to utilize this in proficient manner to control the transfer of wastages and with normal filtration of wastages, freedom of vaporous substance are dealt with independently and screen the transfer of continuous way.




How to Cite

Veeresha G, Kumar, Y. ., Tejas, Sahoo, R. ., & Murali. (2019). FABRICATION OF AUTOMATIC SEWAGE CLEANING MACHINE. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(5), 553–558. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/2426