SCBA(sugarcane bagasse ash)Abstract
Cement is the most widely consumable material in the infrastructure development works. It is considered as a durable material of construction. however, the environmental issue of cement has become a rising concern, as cement industries are accountable around 2.5 % of total worldwide waste emissions from industrial sources. It is need of time to rise the use of cement replacement materials in the concrete which can reduce the significant amount of cement required huge energy and it is also accountable for 5% of global anthropogenic carbon dioxide release, and their usage can also improve the properties of concrete. The burning of organic waste of sugar industry known as bagasse ash (SCBA). Bagasse ash is product from burning of sugarcane bagasse and it is made up of silica, alumina, iron, and calcium. pozzolanic ash has been used for 1000’s of years. SCBA is freshly acknowledged as a pozzolanic material, though, there is partial research statistics accessible to the effects of SCBA on the behaviour of concrete. The main objective of project is replacement of cement with sugarcane Bagasse ash in fixed proportions and analysing the effect of strength in the concrete. Bagasse ash has been chemically and physically characterized, and replaced the cement partially in the ratio of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight in concrete. Concrete of grade M20 was considered and control mix designed using IS 10262-2009. The cubes are been casted and cured in normal water for ages of 7 and 28 days. The properties like compressive strength for hardened concrete are verified and results are analysed.