A Review on Dark Channel Prior to Haze Removal Using Visibility Restoration Techniques


  • Vaibhav Yadav Information Technology, MITS, Gwalior, India
  • Khushboo Agarwal Information Technology, MITS, Gwalior, India


Image Dehazing, Haze Removal, Visibility Restoration Technique, Dark Channel Prior, Dehazing Method.


This paper provides an analysis of different image dehazing approaches to eliminate haziness from hazy images captured in real-world weather circumstances to achieve quick & enhanced haze-free image quality. Haze creates problems in different applications based on computer vision and image processing, as it diminishes the brightness of the scene. The dehazing of photographs is amongst the most relevant areas of research in image processing and design study. Haze is an ambient reaction, obviously. Its research looked at different haze reduction techniques used during image analysis systems to dehaze activity. The restore of clarity plays a leading role in several applications for image processing. Outdoor photo vision is often impaired by the appearance of clouds, rain, sand storms, etc. Reduced visibility induced from atmospheric phenomena is forcing image analysis systems to crash. The Dark Channel Prior is the type of haze-free outdoor photo figure. And thus, using an Image processing technique, it obtains a haze-free image of high quality.




How to Cite

Yadav, V., & Agarwal, K. (2021). A Review on Dark Channel Prior to Haze Removal Using Visibility Restoration Techniques. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 6(5), 07–13. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/256