Evaluation of Smart Mass Rapid Transit System – The Cost Benefit Analysis for Elevated Articulated BRT System for Nashik City


  • Ravindra B. Bagul PG student, PG Coordinator, in Transportation Engineering & Planning, Department of Civil Engineering, SOET, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
  • Dr. P. L. Naktode Professor, PG Coordinator, in Transportation Engineering & Planning, Department of Civil Engineering, SOET, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India


Sustainable Smart MRTS, Transport congestion, Rapid modernization cost-Benefit Analysis, (CBA), Economic evaluation of MRTS, pollution, NUTP Policy.


Transport is being the life line of the nation. Exponential vehicular growth. Has put a huge burden on fragile infrastructure of city. Nashik city faced several problems due to the i.e. Growing congestion, Rising Energy consumption. Increase Air pollution, coz emission, health effect, declining Road safety. As per to daily pollution Report for Nashik city show “unhealthy condition “because the RSPM PM2.5 particle has exceeded their standard limit. Nashik city really need smart sustainable mass rapid transport system in the use of environmentally friendly fuels and land use pattern. Introduction of CNG Electric for MRTS will resulted in significant reduction of
atmosphere condition of Nashik city. The Articulated BRTS (elevated) provide multiple benefit, reduction in air pollution, time saving to passenger, Reduction in accidents. Reduction in traffic congestion fuel savings. There are increments benefits cost to a number of economic agents, government, private transport, passenger, General public.

Nashik City is selected as Smart City.
The economic evaluation, of MRTS create a comprehensive frame of the full impact (Benefit of Cost) of particular transport service or improvement, it identification various categories of impact of how to monetize it. It explains economic concepts of evaluation techniques. It provides cost value in a framed designed to help uses easily inform policy analysis and planning situation. The social cost benefit analysis of articulated BRTS is done in this paper tries to measure all the benefits and costs of the project cover a total distance of 32.0 km. in Nashik city. Estimates of social benefit & costs of this project are obtained using the recently estimated shadow prices of investment. After going though cost Benefit analysis estimated B/C ratio is 2.18 which is positive (more than one) mean the project is
economically viable. Which help the decision makers to compare different alternatives and mode of transport. This means Elevated, Articulated BRTS project will be prove economical, viable, robust for Nashik city.




How to Cite

Bagul, R. B. ., & Naktode, . D. P. L. . (2019). Evaluation of Smart Mass Rapid Transit System – The Cost Benefit Analysis for Elevated Articulated BRT System for Nashik City. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(5), 742–749. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/2560