Exhaust Gases Purifier of I.C Engine with Electricity Generation


  • Lakhvinder Singh Saini Final year students, Department of Mechanical Engineering Babaria Institute of Technology
  • Harsh V Patel Final year students, Department of Mechanical Engineering Babaria Institute of Technology
  • Kandarp Trivedi Final year students, Department of Mechanical Engineering Babaria Institute of Technology
  • Dishank Shah Final year students, Department of Mechanical Engineering Babaria Institute of Technology
  • Pratik Patel Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babaria Institute of Technology


Scrubber, Pollutants, Emission rate, Absorption, spray, Gas analyzer, solution preparation, Spray tower, Electricity Generation.


Now a day as pollution is increasing we are using wet scrubber technique as a part of our project work. In this technique there are three chambers. The first chamber is of wet scrubber type In second chamber there is cotton and net attached to it and the third chamber is for reservoir of water and NaOH mixture. By this technique ,absorption of pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), unburned hydrocarbons(UHC),oxides of nitrogen(NOX), lead and other particulate emissions from the diesel engines. These pollutants are the root cause for the air pollution. So this is a device used to control the solid and gaseous pollutants from stationary Internal Combustion Engine exhaust streams. In this project scrubber was designed and fabricated. After that the setup was used in the IC Engine to reduce the pollution by chemical absorption method. Also we are simultaneously generating Electricity which we can be used in Electricity supply. The various chemical absorbents such as Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), Potassium hydroxide (KOH), Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) are used for experimental works. But in our project we are using NaOH as an absorbent. Finally, the results were compared with the performance of diesel engine with and without experimental setup.




How to Cite

Saini, L. S., Patel, H. V., Trivedi, K., Shah, D., & Patel, P. (2021). Exhaust Gases Purifier of I.C Engine with Electricity Generation. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(4), 402–407. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/2764