
  • Mr. Vijay Mali Civil engineering dept., Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
  • Mr. Sagar Bhumkar Civil engineering dept., Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
  • Ms. Akshata Khedeka Civil engineering dept., Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
  • Prof. A. A. Darge Civil engineering dept., Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University


Water treatment plant, Pressure filter, Clariflocculator, MLD, Chlorination, Rapid sand filter, Presettling tank


Water is precious commodity that contributes human to live. Various surface and sub-surface sources of pure water is provided by mother earth to all the living beings. Most of the natural water sources are polluted due to various anthropogenic and innate activities. Due to the pollution of water it is incompetent for the use, so to make the competent it is necessary to be treated in water treatment plant (WTP). The objective of this project is to design water treatment plant for population of 5500 near the DBATU college campus with latitude 18°10’6.32” N and longitude 73°20’8.19” E which is located at taluka-Mangaon, Dist-Raigad (MH). Though Konkan region have plenty of water but due to soil characteristics and sloppy nature of ground, water does not get percolated. In rainy season plenty of rain fall in this region, but in summer DBATU campus face the problem of water scarcity. The present WTP in DBATU campus is unable to complete the water demand. The components of WTP are not in working condition. The pipelines and the pressure filter is almost rusted, working period of present WTP is finished. So there is need of new WTP. We designed WTP particularly deals with hydraulic design for a 2MLD to be constructed according to life span of 20 years for the component of WTP. The project compromises design of WTP unit combined as Clariflocculator.




How to Cite

Mali, M. V., Bhumkar, M. S., Khedeka, M. A., & A. Darge, P. A. (2021). DESIGN OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT FOR DBATU CAMPUS. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(4), 518–524. Retrieved from