Study the impact of underground metro rail induced vibration


  • Suryanshu Dahisaria P.G. Student, Applied Mechanics Department, L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
  • Major Dr. C.S. Sanghvi Professor, Applied Mechanics Department, L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India


metro rail, ground borne vibration, underground


Vibrations induced by rail and road traffic is of great concern in urban cities which reduce useful life of structure. The present work discusses the measurement of level of vibration during construction stage of underground metro rail and correlate with vibration criteria given by codes of various country. Metro rail generate vibration at time of construction and operation stage which propagate in soil eventually reaching the foundation of building and causing them to vibrate. Metro rail induced vibration create long term effect on structure which include fatigue and settlement of foundation. This vibration can be controlled at various level along transmission path between source and receiver. Level of vibrations are measured at several location at different depth from ground level and the
prevalent soil strata is sandy silt. Impact of road traffic vibration is also considered in research work.




How to Cite

Dahisaria, S. ., & Sanghvi, M. D. C. . (2019). Study the impact of underground metro rail induced vibration. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(4), 822–825. Retrieved from