Comparative Study of RC Column and Composite column under seismic load


  • Dhruvit H Chevli Post graduate student, Department Of civil engineering, CGPIT Uka tarsadia University
  • Grishma Thaker Ass. Professor, Department Of civil engineering, CGPIT Uka tarsadia university
  • Abhishek Raturi Ass. Professor, Department Of civil engineering, CGPIT Uka tarsadia university


comparison, RC column, composite column, seismic analysis


Due to a large population and small per capita area in India, the need for tall buildings become
more essential in the society. The RCC Structure is no longer suitable because of increased dead load, span
rejection, and less stiffness.The structural engineers are trying to use different materials for a most
efficient design solution. Composite members are structural members composed of steel and concrete. It
combines the advantages of both steel and concrete. In recent years, composite columns are gaining
popularity over conventional reinforced concrete (RC) columns for high-rise construction, and also,
relatively a new concept for the industrial construction. Steel-concrete composite elements are used widely
in modern building construction. This paper contains review analysis for RCC as well as composite
building regarding seismic performance. Effect of each building is studied with respect to time period, base
shear, story drift, resisting force, fire effective performances. The developments related to seismic design
motivate the review of composite column behavior and current design provisions.




How to Cite

Dhruvit H Chevli, Grishma Thaker, & Abhishek Raturi. (2018). Comparative Study of RC Column and Composite column under seismic load. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(13), -. Retrieved from