Procurement Management, Procurement Waste, Construction Materials, Cost Control, Information Technology (IT)Abstract
Construction is one of those industries of the World which require fund in bulk. Investment of any project determines the
strategy of the work and more than 60% of the total cost is only used in the material and dependent upon the type of
project. But, delay in the material supply can affect the project time as well as project capital. Also the wastage of the raw
material affects the fund highly. Construction waste is a serious problem in construction industry.
Effective construction procurement management is a key to success for a construction project. The procurement
management on the construction site plays very important role to minimize the losses, either due to wastage or delays. It
involves considering whether to procure, how to procure, what to procure, how much to procure, and when to procure.
This paper shows scope of construction procurement management with control on construction wastage and delays.
An app (software) is proposed which done their work with Information Technology (IT) and image processing in the
construction procurement and its management. It gives the real time information about the supply of procurement, and
also control on the procurement wastage.