NFA, NCA, RCA, Superplasticizer, Demolished WasteAbstract
Day by day we are consuming our natural resources continuously for used in concrete production. Our
country producing large amount of construction waste and this waste required large land for disposal and the waste also
create environment pollution. Many researches were introduced for recycled this waste in replacement of cement, sand
and aggregate in concrete production without sacrificing the strength. This paper is based on the reuse of demolition
waste in concrete as partial replacement of coarse aggregate. The use of waste in concrete is useful for both
environmental aspects and economical aspects.
The waste collected near the vit campus and separated by mechanical procedures and used as a partial replacement of
coarse aggregate and for increasing the binding property used silica fume. The taste were carried out for measuring and
comparing the different properties of recycled aggregate and pure aggregate for replacement of 5%, 15% and 25%. Silica
fume is taken as 10% of total weight of cement. These tastes were carried for 7 days and 28 days.