Investigation of Tweets amid Me too Movement using Twitter Sentiment Analysis


  • Sherry Verma SET, Ansal University
  • Prakul Tomar SET, Ansal University
  • Aditi Jain SET, Ansal University
  • Manimala SET, Ansal University


MeToo movement, sexual harassment social media, twitter sentiment analysis, and workplace


In recent years, expressing opinions and sharing ideas have become very easy, all with the help of social
media. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc. have also become a powerful tool to raise our voice against
social injustices or problems faced by common people. In this research paper, a similar case has been considered. To
analyse the voice raised by victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, especially in workplace, is the main objective
of this paper. Through MeToo movement twitter sentiment analysis we are finding the most affected places, most
positive and negative word used, the part of day where incidents have occurred the most and the associated hashtags
which are used with this movement for 6 days consecutively. For the analysis we have fetched tweets from twitter
using python libraries, analysed them using Hive tool and for visualization matplotlib library is used.




How to Cite

Sherry Verma, Prakul Tomar, Aditi Jain, & Manimala. (2019). Investigation of Tweets amid Me too Movement using Twitter Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(14), -. Retrieved from