Polypropylene Fiber, Magnetic structured water, Magnetic field strength, Magnetic water curingAbstract
This research presents the experimental investigation on the behavior of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete with modified structured water. Here, the effect of modified structured water (i.e., Magnetic
structured water) of different magnetic field strengths on the properties of fresh and hardened polypropylene
fiber reinforced concrete is studied. Also, the effect of magnetic structured water on Magnetic Water Concrete in
curing and comparison of those results with conventional concrete in immersion curing and curing with magnetic
water is studied. The concrete specimens (cubes, cylinders and beams) of standard sizes were cast with polypropylene fiber of varying percentages (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1%), and magnetic structured water of
varying magnetic field intensities (0.2T, 0.4T and 0.6T). Compressive strength, Split Tensile strength and Flexural strengths are determined on M25 and M30 grades of concrete. It was found that the optimum compressive
strength of cubes cast with M25 and M30 grades of concrete with 0.4% of polypropylene fiber and cured with
0.6T magnetic field intensity was found to be 47.95MPa and 49.5MPa respectively for cubes cast and cured with
magnetic structured water. It is 2.99% and 5.05% greater than cubes cast with magnetic water and cured with
potable water (at 0.4% addition of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete and 0.6T magnetic structured water)
and 16% and 17% greater than cubes cast and cured with potable water (at 0.8% addition of polypropylene fiber
and 0.6T magnetic structured water) for M25 and M30 grades of concrete respectively. At 1.0% addition of polypropylene fiber and 0.6T magnetic structured water gave an optimum split tensile strength of 5.34MPa and
5.45MPa for M25 and M30 grades of concrete respectively in case of cylinders cast and cured with magnetic
structured water. It is 2.8% and 3% greater than cylinders cast with magnetic structured water and cured with
potable water (at 0.4% addition of polypropylene fiber and 0.6T magnetic structured water) and 88% and 84.7%
greater than cylinders cast and cured with potable water (at 0.8% addition of polypropylene fiber and 0.6T magnetic structured water). At 0.4% addition of polypropylene fiber and 0.6T magnetic structured water showed
optimum flexural strength of 4.78MPa and 5.45MPa for M25 and M30 grades of concrete in case of beams cast
and cured with magnetic structured water. It is 6.62% and13% greater than beams cast with magnetic structured water and cured with potable water (at 0.4% addition of polypropylene fiber and 0.6T magnetic structured
water) and 68.9% and 70.7% greater than beams cast and cured with potable water (at 0.8% addition of polypropylene fiber and 0.6T magnetic structured water). Hence for both M25 and M30 grades of concrete, the
strength in case of concrete cast and cured with magnetic structured water is increased compared to the strength
of conventional concrete casting in immersion curing and curing with magnetic water.