Dynamic load, Soil-structure interaction, pile foundations with their specifications, Fixed base, Flexible base, Base shear,Base moment, top Lateral displacement, Static Design Method, SRSS Method,CQC Method,Capacity Spectrum Method and ABS Method.Abstract
In this study,the purpose is to determine the response parameters by incorporating the effects of soil structure interaction on framed structures provided with deep (pile) foundations resting in different types of soil ( medium and soft) by using some different methods of seismic design of structures and comparing the response parameters to study the SSI effect. As per ongoing practice, the structural design engineers generally do not consider the soil structure interaction and its detrimental or beneficial effect on a structure while
designing the structure during an dynamic seismic loading in spite of the structures being supported on soil. The Soil-structure interaction is a mechanism which comprises both Structural and Soil Engineering.The soil parameters can affect the behaviour of the waves generated by earthquake which passes through the different soil or rock strata. All the dead and live loads which are transferred to the some support (soil or rock) and hence this supporting medium (soil or rock) can vary the structural behavior in a small or large way.In case of soft and medium soil strata in which the pile foundations are laid,the soil-structure interaction has large effect. Hence during occurrence of earthquake, seismic forces are applied to the structures and the event of soil-structure interaction occurs among the structure,foundation and soil which changes the behavior of the ground motion and thus the behavior of structure. The relevant IS codes are followed for design of framed structures. For the study of the response(SSI action),the framed structures supported by deep (pile) foundations have been adopted to be laid in two types of soils ( medium and soft). The framed structures supported on fixed and
flexible foundations were assumed to be subjected to seismic forces in seismic zones II,III,IV and V for the analysis . The structures were analyzed by various seismic design methods using software STAAD Pro. The response of framed structure in form of Base shear,Base moment and top Lateral deflection for all building frames are presented in this paper.