Watershed, delineation, digital elevation model, outlet,mosaicAbstract
The present paper provides watershed delineation associated with the watershed of Pakhal lake which is
located near Narsampet, Warangal Rural District, Telangana, India. Watershed is a natural hydrological entity which
allows surface run-off to a defined channel, drainage, stream or river at a particular point. The input data used for
this analysis is downloaded from Open Data Archive SRTM 1 Arc second global of United States Geological Survey,
USGS website. It has horizontal resolution of one arc-second (approximately 30m). There are four DEM (Digital
Elevation Models) files which are covering the watershed of the Pakhal lake, initially these DEM files are merged into
mosaic raster by raster dataset tools in ArcGIS. The merged file is then delineated using ArcGIS Hydrology tools. The
outlet point is considered for the separation of watershed of Pakhal lake from other watersheds that are covered by the
four DEM files. The delineation of watershed has provided fill, flow direction, flow accumulation, generating basins,
basin selection, basin to polygon, stream networking of the watershed of Pakhal lake.