Current Trends in Unmanned Underwater Vehicles: A Review
Robot, Vehicle, Underwater, Review, TrendAbstract
Unmanned Underwater Vehicles have picked up notoriety for the most recent decades, particularly with
the end goal of not gambling human life in perilous activities. Then again, submerged condition presents various
difficulties in control, route and correspondence of such vehicles. Submerged robots assume a vital job in the seaward
oil and gas industry, the barrier part, sea inquiry and salvage, oceanographic explore, submerged prehistoric studies
and natural observing. Huge numbers of these applications are led with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) that are
fastened to and controlled from a surface vessel yet likewise with the pattern in earthbound and airborne robots, selfruling task is of expanding significance. This article aims to provide details of the technologies, navigation, control,
sensing, survey and applications of underwater robots.