Behavioural Study on Treated Sea Sand as a Fine Aggregate in Concrete
Natural aggregates, Sea sand, Durability, Construction cost, Spectroscopy resultsAbstract
In developing countries like India, the need of the essential construction material particularly sand is getting
increased; but the availability of source of the sand is very less. The over collection of river sand from river beds
affects our ecological cycle directly or indirectly and so instead of river sand, sea sand that is enormously present in
nature at sea shores has become common. Only if the concrete has natural aggregates, the strength and durability
would be enhanced. In the current scenario, most of the building agencies and MNC companies adopt artificial sand
in their projects. Sea sand is less expensive and reduces the overall construction cost, which also helps to protect river
sand from being destruction. It is validated using spectroscopy results that incorporation of sea sand adds strength to
the structure and can be preferred for any construction purpose.