E-Commerce Data Manipulation using RPA


  • Lanitha B Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Swathika.G UG Scholar/CSE, KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
  • Yeesha Sharookhan.S UG Scholar/CSE, KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
  • Sridhar.R UG Scholar/CSE, KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India


data manipulation, International Standard Book Number, E-commerce, RPA, consumption, reduces the time well documented format, efficient


E-commerce data manipulation using RPA is an automation project that will produce the various book
details to clients via e-mail. When we search for a particular book using ISBN number in any e-commerce website, the
result is not ready for consumption and is not clearly formatted. ISBN refers to International Standard Book Number.
This project reduces the time and effort required to drill down the relevant book Information and collates the
automated results in excel which is easy to consume, visualize and understand by the clients. Our product will get the
information details from the customer and then it will be processed then the product will automate those information’s
then it will fetch the details about the information and send to the customers. The information from the customer will
be in the form of excel or PDF from the mail. We are going to automate the mail from the customer and then the
product will fetch all the information’s from the amazon.in website. This product is efficient for the large amount of
data manipulation. The initial data which is not in documented form can be converted to Business file and can be
exported via mail to required customer. The results of the E-Commerce search using RPA are in well documented




How to Cite

Lanitha B, Swathika.G, Yeesha Sharookhan.S, & Sridhar.R. (2019). E-Commerce Data Manipulation using RPA. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(18), -. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/3247