Design and Analysis of Garlic and Onion Harvester


  • Venkataraman.K Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Arjunraj.D Ug scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Kavinivash.J Ug scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Mukilarasu.M Ug scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Sanjeev Kumar.R.P Ug scholar Department of Mechanical Engineering, KGiSL Institute of Technology


Garlic, Onion, Agriculture, Harvester, shovel, digger, screener and power transmission system


Garlic harvesting is an important part during the garlic production process. The farmers complain for the
need of so many work forces for harvesting while the labor cost is getting increased and the time spent for harvesting
process is too long. Although there is an alternative of imported garlic harvesting machines, those machines are not
compatible with the farming environment in India. The project is mainly based on developing the garlic harvester by
improving the shovel design and increasing the efficiency of the machine. This machine consists of three main parts
namely, garlic digger, screener and power transmission system. This project is focusing on design and fabrication of
garlic harvesting machine.




How to Cite

Venkataraman.K, Arjunraj.D, Kavinivash.J, Mukilarasu.M, & Sanjeev Kumar.R.P. (2019). Design and Analysis of Garlic and Onion Harvester. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(18), -. Retrieved from