
  • Bhuvaneswari T Assistant Professor,Department of ECE, KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
  • Jeeva S UG Scholar,Department of ECE,KGiSL Instsitute of Technology, Coimbatore,India
  • Bhaskar E UG Scholar,Department of ECE,KGiSL Instsitute of Technology, Coimbatore,India
  • Kings Pravin M UG Scholar,Department of ECE,KGiSL Instsitute of Technology, Coimbatore,India


Biometric Sensor, LORA module, GPS module, ARM microcontroller (stm32f103c8t6), Vehicle Theft Alert alarm


In day today life there is rapid increase in vehicles and also technologies. In such case we took a survey for
vehicle theft and that plays a major role in the world. Even though technology increases as much as the crime
increased in the city. Many complaints regarding vehicle theft so we planned to reduce the theft by safeguarding the
vehicle from the robbers. In this project the vehicle cannot be accessed without the permission of the users. Biometric
sensor, unique identity of each person is attached with the key holder. To start the engine, we need to access the users
fingerprint then only the vehicle can be started or else if the fingerprint doesn’t match it denies the access of the
vehicle by locking the fuel port that will not send the fuel to the engine from the petrol tank and sends the alert to the
user by using long range device LORA and its range is above 8kms and when someone interrupted, then the user’s
vehicle will lock automatically from where he is located through his device. Not only sending alert information, it also
sends the live location of the vehicle to the user and to the Internet cloud storage that we can access from anyplace to
locate the vehicle.




How to Cite

Bhuvaneswari T, Jeeva S, Bhaskar E, & Kings Pravin M. (2019). SAFEGUARD FOR VEHICLE USING LoRa. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(18), -. Retrieved from