
  • Rahuldeepak.M.J KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
  • Velraj.B KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
  • Vikram.D KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
  • SathiyaSivam.B AP/ECE KGiSL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore


Webcam, Open CV, QR code, BAR code


Medicines are taken by everybody in the world for the recovery from illness. Few illegal business
corporates for getting high benefit offer the lapsed medicines which is exceptionally unsafe to the public who utilizes
it, in some cases it might even take them until the very end. For falsifying this issue we propose this arrangement
which depends on the open CV. The maker creates the medicine and updates the record which can be seen by any of
the customers who uses this interface. After the execution of this strategy, public would intake medicines with
complete trust. This plan is secured by a few conventions which can shield the huge corporates and other undesirable
access. While adopting the secured authentication system for the pharmaceuticals company, in any form the medicine
anti-counterfeiting can be largely be avoided so that the public can be safe from utilizing the lapsed medicines. So as
to counter the danger of misrepresented drugs entering the lawful production network. This system guarantees
Medicines authenticity by an end-to-end verification. The manufacturers are required to apply two safety measures on
the outer packaging: an anti-tampering device and a Data matrix code which incorporates a unique identifier (UI) for
each sale package. At the point of dispense the medicine will be scanned, checked and verified for authenticity against
a national repository. On the off chance that the UI on the pack coordinates the data in the store, the pack is
decommissioned and provided to the patient. Otherwise, if there is a warning related to this pack, then the system will
highlight this as an exceptional event and the package will not be supplied to the public.




How to Cite

Rahuldeepak.M.J, Velraj.B, Vikram.D, & SathiyaSivam.B. (2019). PHARMACEUTICALS AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM USING OPEN CV. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(18), -. Retrieved from