Cryptography, Smart contract, Distributed ledger technology(DTL) , IPFS EthereumAbstract
We are going through a very exciting phase of technological transformation. Blockchain community is
re-designing a lot of existing use cases and trying to solve a lot of unsolved use cases with the help of decentralized,
peer-to-peer technology. A Certificate is a report that guarantees that an individual has gotten explicit training or has
breezed through a test or arrangement of tests. Counterfeit testaments is a gigantic issue in our Nation. Even a unique
paper testament can be forged easily. Verification check is a tiresome and time-consuming process for
Organizations/Institutions. We propose a Blockchain(Distributed Ledger Technology) based solution for this problem
with Distributed storage(IPFS). Thus certificates will be tamperproof, confidential and secure. Here, we are going to
use Ethereum Blockchain. In this way, the Institutions will create the certificate with student information (such as
StudentName, Student ID, NationalID, Degree, College, and other information)The system will commit transactions
considering certificate as a digital asset and store them on IPFS with public key encryption. Hash of the certificate is
stored in the blockchain. Only the certificate issuing authority/institute can create and issue the certificate. From that
moment, the student becomes the owner of the certificate (digital asset). Whenever a Students wants to share his/ her
certificate, they encrypt it with recipient public key, store it in IPFS and send the hash to recipient.Only the mapping
of the digital assets will be present in the blockchain hus digital assets are encrypted and stored in IPFS.