Placement Skills Assessment System and Benchmarking


  • Dr. G Vijaya Professor, Head of the Department, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Arpana S B.Tech Student Information Technology, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Himanshu Jain P B.Tech Student Information Technology, KGiSL Institute of Technology
  • Vallikannu A R B.Tech Student Information Technology, KGiSL Institute of Technology


Placement, Assess student, Analyze


This project is built to enhance the students assessment and train them for their placements. The system
provides an initial test that is called a mandatory test to all students of various departments during their beginner
stage. Based upon the outcome, the system will generate an individual student report, where each and every student
data will be analyzed and their benchmarks will be highlighted. Furthermore, test levels will be generated based upon
their previous performance and questions will be randomly distributed for each student based upon their performance.
The student can attempt the test multiple times to improve his/ her placement skills. The attempts made by the students
and related scores will be updated to the respective faculty members and to the students.




How to Cite

Dr. G Vijaya, Arpana S, Himanshu Jain P, & Vallikannu A R. (2019). Placement Skills Assessment System and Benchmarking. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 5(18), -. Retrieved from