
  • Er. Manas Pandey Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Shashank Prajapati Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Shiva Yadav Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Udit Kr. Srivastava Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Udit Shukla Department of Mechanical Engineering


When we think of cultivating the field the first thing that comes in our mind is tractor which has cultivator attached to it. But the problem arises after cultivating the process after that is manual and consume a lot of time. In India 65% of families do farm practice for the living. In few years later if we compare our India than other nations in terms of production rate the we realized India is certainly lagging. In present time the agricultural scenario of manual method of seed bow, low crop yield and serious backache for the farmer which limits the size of field can be planted. Now a days, the cost price of agriculture tractor increasing day by day which creates problem to farmer to purchase tractor. So, to overcome from these factor a study has been carried out to develop multipurpose agriculture machine for performing major agricultural operations like- bow seeds, goods carrying, water filling and levelling to increase the efficiency and reduce production cost of farmer. This vehicle is named as KISSAN all in one which consists various agricultural implements which can be easily assembled and disassembled by single person only.




How to Cite

Pandey, E. M. ., Prajapati, . S. ., Yadav, S. ., Srivastava, U. K. ., & Shukla, U. . (2018). DEVELOPMENT OFMULTIFUNCTION AGRICULTURE MACHINE. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(10), 65–69. Retrieved from