The decrease of green house gas (GHS) emanations is a standout amongst the most major issues everywhere throughout the world. The Kyoto Protocol has gone for a 5.2% lower discharge measure of GHS somewhere in the range of 2008 and 2012 contrasted and that in 1990. It is for the most part evaluated that the measure of GHS discharged from the overall creation of conventional Portland concrete (OPC) compares to roughly 7% of the aggregate GHS outflows into the Earth's environment. With an end goal to limit Co2 outflows, the solid business has contributed significant cost and work to grow all the more ecologically inviting solid which diminishes the utilization of OPC by halfway supplanting the measure of bond in cement with results materials, for example, fly fiery remains.
As of late, another class of cementitious materials delivered from an alumino-silicate activated in a high alkali solution,, has been produced known as GPC. The predominant properties of geopolymer cement can additionally upgrade the financial advantages. Be that as it may, just drawback in geopolymer solid assembling is the procedure of geoploymerisation needs heat during reaction. For the most part warm is a response quickening agent, restoring of a crisp geopolymer is done for the most part at a hoisted temperature subsequently geoploymer solid individuals requires chamber or broiler relieving and this confines the GPC applications to precast individuals as it were. Along these lines, late research on GPC is focused to examine the feasibility of beating the restoring issue in Low lime fly fiery remains based GPC by supplanting flyash with bond to draw consideration of structural Engineers to utilize this new eco-accommodating concrete included GPC for in-situ solid works also. Present investigation focuses on the micro structure study on GPC cured under ambient using XRD and SEM analysis.