PSV; Skid; Macrotexture; Macrotexture; Aggregates;Abstract
PSV means polished stone value. The PSV test method is widely used throughout the world to measure the resistance of the anti-slip device. This is more important evidence that you can create an aggregate if you want to use it as a road surface. If an aggregate polish too much under the polishing effect of vehicle tires the road surface becomes very skidder, especially when wet and the number of skidding accidents can increase. This paper illustrate study is carried out on different type of aggregate in order to cater the need of varying climatic conditions prevailing in India and amount of traffic increasing in India and to determine the impact on skid resistance of aggregate. Thus different types of aggregates were randomly taken from the different quarry from the construction site, then the sample was prepared according to the IS code and IS specifications. The main objective of this, was to determine that for
different type of aggregate there is different value of PSV and PSV depends not only on the aggregates exposed but also the quality of the aggregate, size of aggregate, strength. Thus, four types of aggregates were randomly taken from the different quarry from the construction site, then the samples were prepared according to the IS specifications. After preparing the samples all the four different types of aggregates with different size of aggregate were assessed using standard PSV test and three alternative variations
using the same equipment. These variations include use of coarse emery only, fine emery only and extended duration of polishing. Further these variations were tested under dry and wet conditions. For highway engineers, it would be valuable to be able to predict the long-term skid resistance of bituminous surfaces before the pavement was constructed & that’s why PSV should be known. Higher the test result, more polish resistance the aggregate is. In designing road engineer specifies the minimum value of PSV that the aggregate used in the surface has to have. The minimum value depends on volume and type of traffic using the road. For different aggregates, value of PSV is different. Also proves that PSV depends not only on the aggregates exposed but also the quality of the aggregate, volume of traffic, strength