Various Webs Designing Technologies Related Survey


  • Dinesh Palkar
  • Mihir Doshi


Ad sense and Ad words, Web designing technologies, Google Laravel, Responsive Web Design, ruby on Rails,


Developments in the recent and emerging Web technologies have led to the development of better designed Web Applications. However, designing this web in creative fashion has become the latest trend in today’s  world.Internet has reached almost every corner of the globe and there is relatively enormous access to this web network. New Web technologies, languages, and methodologies make possible to create dynamic applications that represent a new model of cooperation and collaboration among the large numbers of users. In this paper, a detailed survey has been carried out on five such technologies so as how this technologies can help web designing creatively.




How to Cite

Palkar, D., & Doshi, M. (2021). Various Webs Designing Technologies Related Survey. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 2(9), 06–09. Retrieved from