Experimental Investigation of Temperature in Drilling under Different Cutting Environment


  • Dhruva Kumar Goyal Production and industrial Engineering, Punjab Engineering College
  • Dr.Suman Kant Assistant Professor, Production and industrial Engineering, Punjab engineering college
  • Dr.Vipin Pahuja Assistant Professor, HVAC department, Bhartiya skill development university


MQL, LAB VIEW, ANOVA, Taguchi, K-Type Thermocouple


In the present era of manufacturing most of the applications required drilling process. In the drilling process high temperature is generated due to the friction. To reduce the friction and control the temperature, cutting fluids are used. The use of excessive cutting fluids in machining has significantly improved. In this study, an experimental investigation on the effect of machining parameters and cutting environment on temperature when drilling duplex stainless steel AISI 2205 using high speed steel (HSS) tool with TiAlN coated tool were conducted. The cutting environment is dry, flood and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL). The machining parameters are speed and feed rate. In first experiment speed and feed remains constant and cutting environment varies but in second experiment combination of different cutting speed and feed has been taken for investigation of temperature. The drilling was done on the Vertical Machining Centre (VMC) and temperature is measured by k-type thermocouple. The LAB VIEW software is used for data acquisition system. The analysis of results was done by Taguchi’s method which shows that the optimum cutting parameters are cutting speed of 750 rpm, feed rate at.03 mm/rev and flood as cutting environment. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that cutting environment has the highest percentage contribution among all the parameters and their interactions which affect the temperature in drilling of duplex stainless steel.




How to Cite

Goyal, D. K. ., Kant, D., & Pahuja, D. . (2018). Experimental Investigation of Temperature in Drilling under Different Cutting Environment . International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 58–63. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/702