
  • A. VINOD KUMAR Post graduation scholar, JNTUA College of Engineering, JNTU Ananthapuramu, Anthapuramu, A.P -515002
  • Dr. K.PRAHLADA RAO Rector, JNTU ANTHAPURAMU, Anthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India-515002


Servo motor, Rain sensor, Driver Integrated circuit (IC) and Microcontroller.


Generally, working of a car wiper is based on the manual switching. In this mechanism, the driver has to switch ON the power button to energize the wiper. It is difficult for the driver to concentrate simultaneously on the driving and on the wiper. Though it is not much difficulty in normal conditions but it is very difficult in raining conditions and snowing conditions. To eliminate this difficulty an automatic wiper system with rain sensing technology is implemented. In this automatic wiper system, a rain sensor, a microcontroller and a driver integrated circuit (IC) is used to convert the manual operation into automatic operation. When water falls on the rain board of the rain sensor, the sensor sends the signal to the microcontroller regarding the data and then the microcontroller processes the data and energizes the driver IC to make the required motion. By taking the signal from the microcontroller the driver IC drives the servo motor of the wiper to clean the car glass. With these modifications, automatic cleaning of the car glass can be done without the involvement of the driver.




How to Cite

KUMAR, A. V., & RAO, D. K. . (2018). RAIN SENSING AUTOMATIC CAR WIPER. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 115–119. Retrieved from https://ijtimes.com/index.php/ijtimes/article/view/708