Recognition of Characters by using GLSM and EDMS Feature Extraction Methods


  • B. VEENASRI ( Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Gokaraja Ranjaraju Institute of Engg. And technology, R.R. Dist., Telangana (500090), India.
  • ASHLIN DEEPA R.N. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Gokaraja Ranjaraju Institute of Engg. And technology, R.R. Dist., Telangana (500090), India.


feature extraction, character recognition, image processing, OCR


In this paper we are implementing a method to recognize the characters. For the extraction of features two techniques are used. The first one is Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Edge Direction Matrixes (EDMS). The most important step in the character recognition is selection of best feature extraction technique. In the dataset different images are taken like binary images and feature extraction techniques are applied on those characters. By seeing the results we can say that EDMS and GLCM are giving better results compared to the neural network, bayes network and decision tree classifiers.




How to Cite

VEENASRI (, B., & DEEPA R.N. , A. (2021). Recognition of Characters by using GLSM and EDMS Feature Extraction Methods. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 3(12), 116–122. Retrieved from