
  • Mohammed Bin Saleh Mehdi Department of Civil Engineering, Deccan College of Engineering & Technology, Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad
  • Dr. Mir Iqbal Faheem Department of Civil Engineering, Deccan College of Engineering & Technology, Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad
  • , Mohd. Minhajuddin Aquil Department of Civil Engineering, Deccan College of Engineering & Technology, Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad


TRPS, Clustering, Synchro Studio, Sim-traffic


The goal of this study is to improve efficiency of traffic control at the intersection by the provision of Traffic Responsive Plan Selection mode (TRPS) system which works on real-time detections and eliminates the wastage of green time allotted to a phase. The first step this research is to collect the data from the field, Generation of  traffic states, Development of signal timing plans, Simulation and evaluation. Smart Eye video-detection system was used to monitor and record the volume data. This system is able to perform the analysis of the distribution of the traffic flows along the whole road intersections in real time and through implemented algorithms manage TRPS mode in the most suitable way. The sensor detects the traffic volume at all approaches on the junction and automatically
discard the unusual spikes or dips in traffic flow from further consideration. The second problem is generation of different traffic scenarios, which can encounter in the future, and definition of threshold for each of this state. Detailed plot of the 15-minutes volume data by time of day over specific weekday was prepared and subjected to the next examinations. TRPS mechanism selects and associates timing plans to traffic state, then activate a specific timing plan after recognition of this adjacent traffic state. . The activation mode is applied through a pattern matching mechanism, where new timing plan is implemented, when the traffic volume is associated to its similar to state. Nearest Neighbourhood classification method was used as pattern matching mechanism. It is a basic calculation that stores every single accessible case and group’s new cases in light of closeness measure such as remove capacities. Therefore, it is very important to cluster the traffic states into groups with similar characteristics and after associate suitable traffic plan, lest fail through activation of inadequate timing plan. Subsequently, optimal timing plans for all traffic states are designed. The purpose of this step was to select the best timing plans, which ensure good progression in both directions along the artery. Existing phase sequence at the intersections is kept the same as the sequence in the current time of day mode, because this sequence is governed by the geometry at each intersection. Synchro was selected and used in order to develop the optimal solutions. The last step was the simulation and evaluation of time of day mode and traffic responsive control. Evaluation of created timing plans with traffic scenarios was performed using SimTraffic simulation implemented in Synchro. This evaluation is very important since it provides estimated
values for numbers of stops and total delay for both modes, TOD and TRPS. Afterwards, was carried out the comparison of two discussed modes. In comparison with TOD mode, TRPS bring up the most suitable timing plans for the existing traffic condition. Instead, TOD is limited to bringing up timing plans according to a fixed time schedule regardless of the existing traffic condition. To conduct a fair comparison between the TRPS and TOD mode, the six hours simulations with actual and designed timing plans was executed. It was necessary to predict the total delay expected from implementing a TRPS mode and actual delay connected with TOD mode. Simulations show 19% reduction of average travel time per vehicle with TRPS mode in comparison to TOD mode. Moreover, total delay, numbers of total stops and fuel consumption also decrease. This study shows how to implement the traffic responsive
control mode in the traffic network improvement in the overall system performance.




How to Cite

Mehdi, M. B. S. ., Faheem, D. M. I. ., & Aquil, , M. M. . (2018). DESIGN OF TRAFFIC RESPONSIVE PLAN SIGNALS AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION . International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 215–223. Retrieved from