Energy Efficient Conveyor System for the Transport of Building Material from one Floor to the other


  • Mukund V. Pawar ME Scholar, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, ShriSantGajananMaharaj College Of Engineering, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India
  • Asso. Prof. Vinay Thute Associate Professor, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, ShriSantGajananMaharaj College Of Engineering, Shegaon, Maharashtra, India


Conveyor Belt, Brick Transportation, Solar Energy


A material-handling system can be defined as movement, handling, storage and controlling of materials throughout the process. Flat conveyor belt is used to transport various things from one location to another location in horizontal as well as inclined directions. It is one of the type of material handling equipment. In developing countries manual material handling is done at a great extent at construction site for transporting different raw material such as cement, bricks, sand etc by local labours. Many times various accidents may occur due to improper handling of material leading to human injury or loss of quantity of material. Also the manpower required is large. So by using this flat belt conveyor, at a faster rate and with due to safety, we are trying to make such conveyor which can supply bricks from ground floor to first floor at construction site. Solar energy is rapidly advancing as an important means of renewable energy resources and also get available easily rather than other sources so that we also use solar panel as a energy source instead of electricity so that we can use this machine at areas where electricity is not available easily. If needed we can also use battery to store energy from solar panel so that on cloudy days also we are able to run the conveyor system. Our aim of the project is to reduce
the effort required by worker at construction site, also to reduce the manpower needed for the same purpose and run this machine without electricity as an energy source so that we can also save it. We are also trying to make this project or machine in minimum cost so that small contractors can afford to purchase.




How to Cite

Pawar, M. V. ., & Thute, A. P. V. . (2018). Energy Efficient Conveyor System for the Transport of Building Material from one Floor to the other. International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science, 4(8), 295–302. Retrieved from