Evaluation of RC Framed Building for Linear and Nonlinear Analysis by using Shear and Flexural Failure Model
Nonlinear analysis, Pushover curve, shear and flexural hinges, performance points.Abstract
Conventional method is to analyse the building by linear analysis method. In this method the analysis is done for the elastic zone only and ignoring the strength in inelastic zone. So to predict the behaviour of building in inelastic zone, nonlinear analysis method is used. In nonlinear analysis method, the moment rotation capacity of the building is taken into consideration. Further it accounts the behaviour of the building after cracks takes place. It is possible to build the building with desired performance level. In present project, a comparative study of the building with linear analysis and nonlinear analysis method is done for 5, 10, 15 and 20 storey with all other parameters constants. Nonlinear analysis is carried out first by considering flexural and shears hinges and then by considering
only flexural hinges. This study is limited to static nonlinear analysis only. From the analysis, pushover curve i.e. base shear Vs. floor displacement curve is obtained. This study also describes the performance of the building for different performance points like intermediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS) and collapse prevention (CP).